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University of Pikeville Academic Integrity Policy

Academic Integrity 

The University of Pikeville is an academic community, and like all other communities, it can function properly only if its members adhere to clearly established goals and values. Essential to those goals and values is the commitment to the principles of truth and academic integrity. In order to articulate fully its commitment to academic integrity and to protect members of its community from the results of dishonest conduct, the University of Pikeville has adopted the following policies to address cases of academic dishonesty. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, the following acts: 

1.                  Cheating: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise and/or claiming such material as one’s own work product. The unauthorized receipt of or attempt to obtain answers or assistance during an examination or other gradable activity or event from another student or from an unauthorized device (phone, tablet, computer, etc.). 

2.                  Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly taking another’s ideas, work, or words as one’s own without properly documenting or crediting the original source in any academic exercise and/or using these ideas, words, or statements in a paper or presentation without properly documenting or crediting the original source.

3.                  Fabrication: The deliberate falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.

4.                  Facilitating Academic Dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another individual violate any provision of this policy.

5.                  Unauthorized Acquisition of Materials: The unauthorized receipt or attempt to obtain unauthorized examination questions/answers either for personal use or distribution to others. 

6.                  Unauthorized Assistance: Attempting to give answers, receive answers, or assistance to another student during an examination or other academic exercise without authorization.

7.                  Academic Falsification: Any attempt to falsify grades and/or data results. 

8.                  Academic Interference: Any attempt to interfere with another student’s outcome on an academic exercise or clinical performance. 

9.                  Failure to Report: Failing to report known violations of the Academic Integrity Policy. 

10.              Unapproved Collaboration: Collaborating on any assignments such as homework, notes, take-home exams, draft papers, or projects in which the instructor does not allow collaboration.

If a violation of the Academic Integrity Policy is determined to have occurred, sanctions will be imposed upon the individual consistent with the nature, circumstances, and severity of the offense. Possible sanctions may include the following actions: 

1.                  A written and/or verbal warning; 

2.                  The requirement of additional academic integrity training; 

3.                  A grade reduction for the academic exercise;

4.                  The assignment of an “F” or zero for the academic exercise;

5.                  A failing grade in the course with the inability to withdraw;

6.                  Dismissal from the university (automatic for repeat substantiated incidents of academic dishonesty); or

7.                  Other sanctions deemed appropriate by individual colleges.

All cases will be addressed through the procedure outlined in the University Catalog and the Student Handbook.


Policy Updated: May 2020